I want to make reaction roles, but I can’t get the uncertain information behind the content posted by the user.I have searched online many times, but I can’t find relevant information
Below is my program
client.on("message", (e, message) => { //The point is here, I can’t get the uncertainty message behind the user’s message if (e.content.startsWith(`!reaction ${args.substring(1)} ${args.substring(2)}`)) { var emojiname = [`${args.substring(1)}`], rolename = [`${args.substring(2)}`]; if (!e.channel.guild) return; for (let o in emojiname) { var n = [e.guild.emojis.find(e => e.name == emojiname[o])]; for (let o in n) e.react(n[o]) } } }); client.on("messageReactionAdd", (e, n, message) => { if (n && !n.bot && e.message.channel.guild) for (let o in emojiname) if (e.emoji.name == emojiname[o]) { let i = e.message.guild.roles.find(e => e.name == rolename[o]); e.message.guild.member(n).addRole(i).catch(console.error) } }); client.on("messageReactionRemove", (e, n, message) => { if (n && !n.bot && e.message.channel.guild) for (let o in emojiname) if (e.emoji.name == emojiname[o]) { let i = e.message.guild.roles.find(e => e.name == rolename[o]); e.message.guild.member(n).removeRole(i).catch(console.error) } });
My English is bad, please forgive me
There is a package called reaction-role
. Here is the link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/reaction-role
ReactionRole is a module that allows you to create Discord reaction role easily. Here is an example to how to use package: https://github.com/barbarbar338/reaction-role-example