So I am in the process of making a Discord.Js bot that includes a command that will let me provide information on certain users. For example: I want to add a command that will provide the PlayStation gamer tag of a mentioned user (lets say the specific users id is <@123>). The input message would look something like this :
“!psn @mention” then the bot would output his gamertag which I will manually log as–>‘Here is <@1235467890> ‘s @psnname’);
I want to include the gamertag every member in my server so anyone can request it upon mentioning it with the command “psn”, I have gone through tons of trial and error with different code but i can not figure out how to specify the message.mention.members.first(); by a specific user id. Please help
module.exports = {
name: 'codtag',
execute(message, args){
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
return{embed: {
color: '#da1801',
title: 'Activision Gamertag: Error',
description: 'You need to tag a user dummy.'
if (member !== '<@772597378142306354>')return;
else if (member === `772597378142306354`)return
(args[0] === member)
return{embed: {
color: '#1243c6',
title: 'Activision Gamertag',
description: 'Here is <@772597378142306354> Activision: nn **WalterWhite#2396124**'
For anyone that finds this post with the same question, I figured it out. The following code works perfectly
I added:
let guild = message.mentions.members.first();
I also included the condition for args[0] as:
if (message.mentions.members.had('put users id here without the <@>')
module.exports = {
name: 'cod',
execute(message, args){
let guild = message.mentions.members.first();
return{embed: {
color: '#da1801',
title: 'Activision Gamertag: Error',
description: 'You need to tag a valid user dummy.'
(args[0] == guild){embed: {
color: '#1243c6',
title: 'Activision Gamertag',
description: 'Here is <@772597378142306354> Activision: nn **WalterWhite#2396124**',
footer: {
text: 'Message @issmayo if your gamertag is not included.'