My NodeJS App is written in Typescript and I am trying to deploy it on Heroku.
I was following a YouTube tutorial.
My app is deployed but it’s showing me error. Can anybody tell me what’s the issue?
Is it because of the app written in Typescript?
I created a Procfile and added this [web: nodemon src/server.ts] in file. So that heroku knows where to find the server file.
If there is a similar question or answer related to my Question, please do share that link here.
The answer is:
First add all of your config variables in App settings on Heroku. The second is to add your [start and engine] scripts in package.json file
"scripts": { "start": "node dist/server", "dev": "sucrase-node src/server.ts", "build": "sucrase ./src -d ./dist --transforms typescript,imports" },enter code here "engines": { "node": ">=10.0.0" },