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Creating a regular expression that replaces strings in quotes with empty strings [closed]

How can I create a regular expression that finds the text wrapped in """ or ''' for example:

hello """
long text here,
e.g. a private SSH key
this is a name for testing

this is another multi-line 

I want to get the output like:

this is a name for testing

With all the text that are in """ or ''' replaced with an empty string.



Use """|''' as delimiters (with a 1 back-reference for the closing one), a non-greedy match-all (.*?) and the s (dot-all) and g (global) flags.

Remove leading and trailing white-space with trim().

const str = `hello """
long text here,
e.g. a private SSH key
this is a name for testing

this is another multi-line 

console.log(str.replace(/("""|''').*?1/gs, "").trim());
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