I am struggling trying to convert a given image url to base64… in my case i have a String with the image’s path
var imgUrl = `./assets/logoEmpresas/${empresa.logoUrl}`
how can i convert the given image url in a base64 directly?… i tried this post.
but this post is getting the image from a form… how can i adapt it?
You can use this to get base64 image
async function getBase64ImageFromUrl(imageUrl) { var res = await fetch(imageUrl); var blob = await res.blob(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", function () { resolve(reader.result); }, false); reader.onerror = () => { return reject(this); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }) }
Then call it like this
getBase64ImageFromUrl('your url') .then(result => testImage.src = result) .catch(err => console.error(err));