I am trying to make a text editor with firepad and codemirror, everything works perfectly on page loading, but when I try to change the mode on button click, the function gets called but
codemirror.setOption('mode',val);//should change mode CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);//should reload codemirror
doesn’t seem to work. I am calling the following code on the onload event of the body (works perfectly):
var firepadRef = getExampleRef(); codeMirror = CodeMirror(document.getElementById('firepad-container'), { lineNumbers: true, mode: 'javascript' }); var firepad = Firepad.fromCodeMirror(firepadRef, codeMirror, { defaultText: '// Welcome' }); function getExampleRef() { var ref = database.ref('Firepad'); var hash = window.location.hash.replace(/#/g, ''); if (hash) { ref = ref.child(hash); } else { ref = ref.push(); // generate unique location. window.location = window.location + '#' + ref.key; } if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.log('Firebase data: ', ref.toString()); } return ref; }
on button click event I am calling the following code (problem here!):
console.log('Button Clicked'); CodeMirror.modeURL = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.40.0/mode/%N/%N.js"; var editor = CodeMirror(document.getElementById('firepad-container'), { lineNumbers: true }); console.log("started changing"); var val ="xml",mode,spec; mode=spec=val; editor.setOption("mode", spec);//isn't changing mode!! CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);//isn't reloading editor!!
This is just a miniaturized sample of the code (the relevant one).
I am using as a resources for the mode reloading and for firebase with codemirror the following:
Scripts and stylesheets being called are the following (the relevant ones only):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="codemirror-dark.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.firebase.com/libs/firepad/1.4.0/firepad.css"> <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/5.0.4/firebase-app.js"></script> <script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/5.2.0/firebase-database.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.40.0/codemirror.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.40.0/addon/mode/loadmode.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/libs/firepad/1.4.0/firepad.min.js"></script>
I am using Firefox and there is no errors on the developper console(it is just neither changing nor reloading). So what am I missing ?? Thanks in advance.
codemirror doesn’t accept “xml” as a mode type. What you’re looking for is “application/xml” or “text/xml”.
according to the documentation on CodeMirrors site, you need to call codemirror.findModeByExtension on your filename string’s extension to get an info object. You call CM_OBJ.setOption(“mode”,info.mime) first, then CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor,info.mode) if you want to use simpler and less specific typing strings.
this works for me on firefox and chrome from the inspect page. source: https://codemirror.net/demo/loadmode.html