I’m doing a Leaflet map with some GeoJSON data.
I try to add the cluster function to my JS file. As I added some filter and styling features according to properties, I’m unable to find the right way to code the cluster fonction.
Here is the GeoJSON layer and the filter verificator:
const geojsonLayer = L.geoJSON(null,{ filter: (feature) => { const isYearChecked = checkboxStates.years.includes(feature.properties.year) const isEventTypeChecked = checkboxStates.eventTypes.includes(feature.properties.eventType) return isYearChecked && isEventTypeChecked }, //only true if both are true
with the syling function:
var year = feature.properties.year; if (year <= -150) { return { color: "black" };
I add then the popup:
layer.bindPopup(popupText, { closeButton: true, offset: L.point(0, -10) }); layer.on('click', function() { layer.openPopup(); }); }, }).addTo(map);
I try to add this piece of code to display the cluster but I don’t know where to place it in my code in order to work (https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster):
var markers = L.markerClusterGroup(); markers.addLayer(L.marker(getRandomLatLng(map))); // ... Add more layers ... map.addLayer(markers);
My whole code is available here: https://github.com/jandre3/pince-crochet
Once you have populated your Leaflet GeoJSON Layer Group (typically with geojsonLayer.addData(geoJsonObject)
, then instead of adding that group to your map, simply add it into your MarkerClusterGroup:
const mcg = L.markerClusterGroup().addTo(map); geojsonLayer.addData(geoJsonObject).addTo(mcg);
If later on you want to swap the content, you can clear it from both groups and repeat:
mcg.clearLayers(); geojsonLayer.clearLayers(); geojsonLayer.addData(geoJsonObject).addTo(mcg);