i’m experimenting with api’s and now tried to display the capital and borders of a country with this api on a card. This worked.
Now i want to add a function so if you click on one of the borderneighbors it opens their card.
For example i’m on germany now and on neighbors there is written : AUT,BEL,CZE,DNK,FRA,LUX,NLD,POL,CHE
If i click on Pol , i want it to open the card of Poland and show the same informations of Poland. So i made another function where i tried to get the alphaCode of the border countries when i click on them.
I console logged that and saw it’s always giving me AUT,BEL,CZE,DNK,FRA,LUX,NLD,POL,CHE when i click on only one country. So i wanted to know how I can make it only choose one country instead of all.
const getCountryButton = document.getElementById('get-country-info-btn'); const countryInput = document.getElementById('country-name'); const countryDetails = document.getElementsByClassName('country-details')[0]; // <div> getCountryButton.addEventListener('click', function() { const inputValue = countryInput.value || 'Germany'; getCountryInfo(inputValue); }); function getCountryInfo(country) { fetch(`https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/name/${country}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { clearCountryDetails(); displayCountryDetails(data); console.log(data) }); } function clearCountryDetails() { countryDetails.innerHTML = ''; } function displayCountryDetails(countryData) { const name = countryData[0].name; const code = countryData[0].alpha2Code; const capital = countryData[0].capital; const flagUrl = countryData[0].flag; const borders = countryData[0].borders; const flagImage = document.createElement('img'); flagImage.setAttribute('src', flagUrl); flagImage.classList.add('flag'); countryDetails.appendChild(flagImage); const countryHeader = document.createElement('h2'); countryHeader.innerHTML = `${name} (${code})`; countryDetails.appendChild(countryHeader); const capitalParagraph = document.createElement('p'); capitalParagraph.innerHTML = `Capital: ${capital}`; countryDetails.appendChild(capitalParagraph); const borderParagraph = document.createElement('span'); borderParagraph.className = "borders"; borderParagraph.innerHTML = `Borders: ${borders}`; countryDetails.appendChild(borderParagraph); borderParagraph.addEventListener('click', function () { getCountryBorders(borders) }) } function getCountryBorders(alphaCode) { fetch(`https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/alpha/${alphaCode}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { displayCountryDetails(alphaCode); console.log(data) }); }
is an array. You can add a button or link for each element in the array.
const getCountryButton = document.getElementById('get-country-info-btn'); const countryInput = document.getElementById('country-name'); const countryDetails = document.getElementsByClassName('country-details')[0]; document.getElementById("get-country-info-btn").onclick = (e) => { fetchCountryDetails(countryInput.value); }; // Fetch country details based on country name function fetchCountryDetails(country) { fetch(`https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/name/${country}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { clearCountryDetails(); displayCountryDetails(data); }); } function clearCountryDetails() { countryDetails.innerHTML = ''; } // Display the data function displayCountryDetails(countryData) { const name = countryData[0].name; const code = countryData[0].alpha2Code; const capital = countryData[0].capital; const flagUrl = countryData[0].flag; const borders = countryData[0].borders; const flagImage = document.createElement('img'); flagImage.setAttribute('src', flagUrl); flagImage.classList.add('flag'); countryDetails.appendChild(flagImage); const countryHeader = document.createElement('h2'); countryHeader.innerHTML = `${name} (${code})`; countryDetails.appendChild(countryHeader); const capitalParagraph = document.createElement('p'); capitalParagraph.innerHTML = `Capital: ${capital}`; countryDetails.appendChild(capitalParagraph); const borderParagraph = document.createElement('span'); borderParagraph.className = "borders"; createBorderData(borders, borderParagraph); countryDetails.appendChild(borderParagraph); } // Helper function to create buttons from array function createBorderData(borders, parent) { const label = document.createElement('span'); label.innerHTML = "Borders: "; parent.appendChild(label); borders.forEach((b) => { let btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.innerHTML = b; btn.onclick = getCountryBorders; parent.appendChild(btn); }); } function getCountryBorders(e) { const alphaCode = e.srcElement.innerHTML; // Get the country name from the code fetch(`https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2/alpha/${alphaCode}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { fetchCountryDetails(data.name); }); }
.flag { width: 100px; height: 100pxl }
<input type="text" id="country-name"> <button id="get-country-info-btn"> Get data </button> <div class="country-details"></div>