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Calculating sum of array objects in javascript , TypeError: parseInt(…).reduce is not a function

I have a array of objects with numbers but there type is string , I want to sum them all.

enter image description here

I’m doing this way as of previous answers on stack-overflow suggested.

// Here the data has an array of goods which contains
// amount objects and i want to calculate to sum of amount objects
Total Invoice Price:
   ? => (
    <div key={}>
     <div>{parseInt(item.amount).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)}</div>
       </div >
     : null}

But im getting error TypeError: parseInt(...).reduce is not a function , How to fix this ?



reduce is an array method. So: instead of mapping over the data, call a function within your JSX that returns the sum of the amount values of each object in the array.

Note: if your amount values are strings coerce them to numbers first (Number(good.amount)).

function Example({ data }) {

  function getTotal(data) {
    return data.goods.reduce((acc, good) => {
      return acc + Number(good.amount);
    }, 0);

  return (


const data = { goods: [{ amount: '1' }, { amount: '5' }, { amount: '13' }] };

  <Example data={data} />,
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