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Attach an event handler to an object literal

I have an object literal to open a websocket connection. this is a simplified version of it:

const ws = {

    conn : null,

    start : function(){
            this.conn = new WebSocket('wss://.....');

            this.conn.onopen = (e) => {};   

            this.conn.onmessage = (e) => {};    
            this.conn.onclose = (e) => {};  

i can initialize the connection with:

var websocket = ws.start();

now i want to attach an eventhandler to websocket, which is called when onmessage is fired. like this:

websocket.on('message', function (e) {

    console.log('this.conn.onmessage in ws was fired');


is there a way to achieve this?



Just return the connection at the end of the start function.

const ws = {

    conn : null,

    start : function(){
            this.conn = new WebSocket('wss://.....');

            this.conn.onopen = (e) => {};   

            this.conn.onmessage = (e) => {};    
            this.conn.onclose = (e) => {};  
            return this.conn;