Learning reactive programming and encouter this bit of code,
results.push.apply(results, subArray);
understand apply
Array.prototype.concatAll = function() { var results = []; this.forEach(function(subArray) { results.push.apply(results, subArray); }); return results; };
but when this code appear and get my head spinning. it’s pretty much doing the concat
. can someone please explain?
many thanks
some_function.apply(obj, [a, b, c])
is (basically…) the same as:
obj.some_function(a, b, c)
Which is: “invoke the function, referenced by ‘some_function’, with ‘obj’ as the ‘this argument’, and the list of parameters as parameters”.
That is, calling the function (in your case, ‘push’) as if it was a member of ‘obj’ (in you case ‘results’).
See: Function.prototype.apply for details.
An example to play around with:
var o1 = { name: 'First object', f: function(a, b ,c) { console.log(this, a, b, c); } }; o1.f('Hello', 'World', '!'); var o2 = { name: 'Second object' }; var some_function = o1.f; // This illustrates that the function is not bound to o1... some_function.apply(o2, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);