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Angular display template if observable is falsey with async pipe

I have an API call that may return some data or may return something falsey if no data exists. If there is data, I want to tap out of the stream and do some side effects, but if falsey, I want no side effects to happen but still display my template code.

I am using an async pipe to get that data in the template, but if the data is falsey, it will not display.

I have seen the technique to wrap the ngIf with an object so it evaluates to truthy, but it doesn’t seem the correct solution for my code.

My template:

<form *ngIf="loadedData$ | async">

My class:

loadedData$: Observable<boolean>;

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.loadedData$ = this.getCurrentBranding().pipe(
    tap(branding => {
      if (branding) {
        // Do side effects
    // current hack to make the template show
    map(() => true)

private getCurrentBranding(): Observable<Branding> {
  // API call, may return an object, or null



I’ve been getting in the habit of having a single observable for my component that merges multiple streams, combining them into one state. Usually this involves the scan operator, but in this case it’s not necessary (though maybe you want to merge in these side effects too).

In the code below getCurrentBranding will execute when it is subscribed to by the async pipe in the component. To prevent multiple executions you can have one root element that uses Angular’s as expression to convert the emission into a template variable. Alternatively, you could use shareReplay.

The startWith operator is used to provide an initial value, so the root element will always be displayed. The form will initially be hidden until the result is returned from the api. The data will come from the same observable and access from the template variable created at the root element.

this.state$ = this.getCurrentBranding().pipe(
  tap(branding => { /* Do side effects */ ),
  map(data => ({ data, isLoaded: true}),
  startWith(({ data: [], isLoaded: false})
<ng-container *ngIf="(state$ | async) as state">
  <form *ngIf="state.isLoaded">
    <!-- ... -->
  <ol *ngFor="let o of">
    <!-- ... -->
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