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angular data modify before send the service

I need to modify my object. please check below function

    registerCus(item) {
    this.customer.code = 'B001';
    this.customer.avCode = 'L01';
    this.customer.ageCode = 'A1';
    this.registrationService.customerRequest(item).subscribe(data => {
        error => {

The item, included 3 values: code, avCode, ageCode. When I send the ‘item’ all three values pass to the service . According to my requirement I need to send only code and avCode. how can I modify ‘item’ before pass to service.

I am trying to do something like this,

registerCus(item) {
   item  = this.customer.code,  this.customer.avCode;
    this.registrationService.customerRequest(item).subscribe(data => {
        error => {



You can use object de-structuring to achieve this behaviour without making any change in the code. You do this in your service method customerRequest;

customerRequest ({code, avCode}) { 
   console.log(code, avCode);

Learn more about destructuring in JS.
