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All my operators work as an add operator in my calculator

So basically when I want to subtract, it adds numbers. When I wrote the same code for multiply and divide, it did the same thing. Instead of dividing, it was adding numbers etc. I have no idea why it’s happening. It’s like my javascript ignores dataset.action and treats operators like one button. If I put parseInt(num1) – parseInt(num2), then all operators subtract numbers.

const calcDisplay = document.querySelector('.output');
calcDisplay.textContent = '0'

let num2 = ''

const add = (a, b) =>  a + b;
const subtract = (a, b) =>  a - b;
const multiply = (a, b) =>  a * b;
const divide = (a, b) => a / b;

//assigning calculator functions to operators' buttons //
  const buttonOperation = document.querySelectorAll('.keyButtonOperation').forEach(operator => {
    operator.addEventListener('click', () => {
      operator = operator.dataset.action;
      num2 = calcDisplay.textContent;
      if (operator === 'add') {
        return add;
      } if (operator === 'subtract') {
        return subtract;

 //an event that make digits appear on the display // 
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.keyButton').forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  num1 = button.textContent;
  displayedNum = calcDisplay.textContent;

    if (displayedNum === '0') {
      calcDisplay.textContent = num1;
  } else if (displayedNum === num2) {
      calcDisplay.textContent = num1
  } else  {
      calcDisplay.textContent = displayedNum + num1


const buttonEquals = document.querySelector('.keyButtonEquals');
buttonEquals.addEventListener('click', () => {
  num1 = calcDisplay.textContent;
  document.querySelectorAll('.keyButtonOperation').forEach(operator => {
  operator = operator.dataset.action
    if(operator === 'add') {
      calcDisplay.textContent = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
    } else if (operator === 'subtract') {
      calcDisplay.textContent = parseInt(num1) - parseInt(num2)



// Clears the whole display with one click //
const buttonClear = document.querySelector('.keyButtonClear');
buttonClear.addEventListener('click', () => {
  calcDisplay.textContent = '0'
  // I will fill up the rest of the code here when I get done with the rest //

// Deletes a single number when you click a button //
function deleteInput() {
  const deleteButton = document.querySelector('.keyButtonDelete')
  deleteButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    calcDisplay.textContent = calcDisplay.textContent.slice(0, -1);


//removes a selection of a operator after a second number is clicked //
function removeClass () {
  buttonRemove = document.querySelectorAll('.keyButtonOperation').forEach(button => {

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/style.css">
          <div class="calcContainer">

            <div class="buttons">
              <div class="output">
              <button class="keyButton">7</button>
              <button class="keyButton">8</button>
              <button class="keyButton">9</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "SignChange" >+/-</button>
              <button class="keyButtonDelete">DEL</button>

              <button class="keyButton">4</button>
              <button class="keyButton">5</button>
              <button class="keyButton">6</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action="multiply">X</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action="divide">%</button>

              <button class="keyButton">1</button>
              <button class="keyButton">2</button>
              <button class="keyButton">3</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "subtract">-</button>
              <button class="keyButtonEquals" id="dupa">=</button>

              <button class="keyButtonClear">C</button>
              <button class="keyButton">0</button>
              <button class="keyButton">.</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "add">+</button>

            <script src="./scripts/script.js"></script>



It definitly needs to be cleaned up and probably should be remade where all operations/num presses are stored in a array to then be able to have more complex operations,.

The main idea here is to have a num1 and num2 variable that gets set to the first and second arguments of the operation, the operation type is stored in oper then when the user presses = is switch is triggered and does the operation

const calcDisplay = document.querySelector('.output');
calcDisplay.textContent = '0'
let total = 0 // ADDED new variable to store total
let oper = '' // have an operation variable to know what to do when = is pressed
let num1 = ''
let num2 = ''
//an event that make digits appear on the display // 
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.keyButton').forEach(button => {
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if (calcDisplay.textContent == '0' || (num2 == '' && oper != '')){
        calcDisplay.textContent = ''
    if (oper == '' || num1 != ''){   //to allow for bigger then 9 numbers
        calcDisplay.textContent += button.textContent;
        calcDisplay.textContent = button.textContent;
    if (num1 == '' || oper == '') {
        num1 = calcDisplay.textContent; 
    } else {
        num2 = calcDisplay.textContent; 


      document.querySelectorAll('.keyButtonOperation').forEach(operator => {
          operator.addEventListener('click', () => {
          oper = operator.dataset.action
      const equalButton = document.querySelector('.keyButtonEquals')
          equalButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
          switch (oper){
            case 'add':
                total = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
            case 'subtract':
                total = parseInt(num1) - parseInt(num2);
            case 'multiply':
                total = parseInt(num1) * parseInt(num2);
            case 'divide':
                total = parseInt(num1) / parseInt(num2);
          calcDisplay.textContent = total;
          oper = ''
          num2 = '';
          num1 = total;

      // Clears the whole display with one click //
      //const buttonClear = document.querySelector('.keyButtonClear');
      //buttonClear.addEventListener('click', () => {
        //calcDisplay.textContent = '0'
        // I will fill up the rest of the code here when I get done with the rest //


      // Deletes a single number when you click a button //
      function deleteInput() {
        const deleteButton = document.querySelector('.keyButtonDelete')
        deleteButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
          calcDisplay.textContent = calcDisplay.textContent.slice(0, -1);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/style.css">
          <div class="calcContainer">

            <div class="buttons">
              <div class="output">
              <button class="keyButton">7</button>
              <button class="keyButton">8</button>
              <button class="keyButton">9</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "SignChange" >+/-</button>
              <button class="keyButtonDelete">DEL</button>

              <button class="keyButton">4</button>
              <button class="keyButton">5</button>
              <button class="keyButton">6</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action="multiply">X</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action="divide">%</button>

              <button class="keyButton">1</button>
              <button class="keyButton">2</button>
              <button class="keyButton">3</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "subtract">-</button>
              <button class="keyButtonEquals" id="dupa">=</button>

              <button class="keyButtonClear">C</button>
              <button class="keyButton">0</button>
              <button class="keyButton">.</button>
              <button class="keyButtonOperation" data-action = "add">+</button>

            <script src="./scripts/script.js"></script>
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