I want to put image before text in the same cell of this cell. But I don’t know how to do. The images I try to put are never the same size. For the moment, I tried with a random image, but I don’t know how to shift the text after the image. I’m not even sure that is possible. Here is a part of my code :
doc.autoTable({ headStyles: { halign: 'center', fillColor: [0, 63, 204], lineWidth: 0.3, lineColor: [0, 0, 0] }, columnStyles: { 0: { halign: 'center', cellWidth: 60, fillColor: [255, 255, 255], lineWidth: 0.3, lineColor: [0, 0, 0] }, 1: { halign: 'center', cellWidth: 'auto', fillColor: [255, 255, 255], lineWidth: 0.3, lineColor: [0, 0, 0] } }, didDrawCell: function (data) { var img = "/Content/rtech/img/logo_black_blue.jpg" var textPos = data.cell.getTextPos(); console.log(data.cell); doc.addImage(img, 'JPEG', textPos.x, textPos.y, 50, 15); }]); }, html: '#facTableName-' + i })
In this case, I add this image in each row of the tab.
Hope you will be able to help me, thank you.
I resolved my problem by myself.
What I needed to do is to add the image at the position of left border of the cell I wanted to put the image in.
Then I set the minheight of the cell to the heigth of the pic.
Finally, I set the left padding to size of picture.
Now, I am able to have an image before the text.