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How do I use regex to match on a string that does not contain one of multiple specific words?

How do I use regular expressions to avoid matching strings containing one of multiple specific words?

For example: a string should contain neither the words test, nor sample:


My regular expression is failing in some situations:

1. this is a test case 
2. this is a testing area 

In the above two examples:

  1. It has the word test so it worked fine.
  2. It doesn’t have the word test it should be allowed

Is there any way to achieve this?



You need to use b around the words so they allow matching, ONLY if they are not present as whole words. Try using this,


Also, it is a good idea to make a group as non-capturing, unless you intend to use their value.

Regex Demo


For making it case sensitive, enable the i flag by placing i just after / in regex. JS demo,

var arr = ['this is a test case','this is a testing area','this is a Test area']

arr.forEach(s => console.log(s + " --> " + /^(?:(?!b(sample|test)b).)*$/i.test(s)))