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Is it faster to use one for-loop or use multiple built-in methods?

So I was recreating the ????-Sigma function in Javascript in two different ways and was wondering, which one of the methods is faster:

function capitalSigma(start, end, func) {
  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    sum += func(i);
  return sum;

function ????(start, stop, func) {
  return Array.from({length: (stop - start) + 1}, (_, i) => start + i).map(x => func(x)).reduce((a, b) => a + b)

var forLoopMethod = capitalSigma(1, 10, x => x ** 2)

var builtInMethod = ???? (1, 10, x => x ** 2)


However, I’m unsure which will run faster, since with the built-in method, there would have to be two “passes” by both the map and the reduce.



The function which uses built-in methods can actually be written in even fewer bytes/methods:

function ????(start, stop, func) {
    return Array.from({length: (stop - start) + 1}, (_, i) => start + i).reduce((a, b) => a + func(b))

After doing some testing in multiple environments with multiple sizes of both inputs and iterations, I can safely say that the method using the for-loop is between 3 and 20 times faster than the built-in methods one.

My code for testing looked something like this:

function capitalSigma(start, end, func) {
  var sum = 0;
  for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    sum += func(i);
  return sum;

function ????(start, stop, func) {
  return Array.from({
    length: (stop - start) + 1
  }, (_, i) => start + i).reduce((a, b) => a + func(b))

var iterations = 100000;

console.time("For-Loop Variant")

for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
  capitalSigma(1, 100, n => n ** 2)
console.timeEnd("For-Loop Variant")

console.time('Built-in Method Variant');
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    ????(1, 100, n => n ** 2);
console.timeEnd('Built-in Method Variant')

I tested my code in

All testing was done on an Intel MacBook Air.

Now the question is, why is that?

My hunch is, that while the built-in methods method has a lot more one-liner satisfaction, it has to create an array in memory while the other one doesn’t.

Doing some other performance tests shows that environments above, which struggle with the built-in methods method, also struggle with creating a lot of Arrays in a short amount of time.

The ratio with the initial function isn’t quite as ratio between creating an Array and a number though, so I the Array.prototype.reduce function is definitely more optimized than a for-loop.

Here are some of the ratios I found in different Javascript environments. The numbers created were 6-digits long and the Arrays created were 100 elements long (Both of which are expected when inputting the values for all square numbers from 1 to 100 summed up.)

  • Node: The for-loop method is ~40 faster than the built-in methods method and creating a Number is ~500 times faster than creating an Array.
  • Google Chrome DevTools: The for-loop method is ~30 faster than the built-in methods method and creating a Number is ~50 times faster than creating an Array.
  • Deno: The for-loop method is ~40 faster than the built-in methods method and creating a Number is ~500 times faster than creating an Array.
  • Apple Safari DevTools: The for-loop method is ~4 faster than the built-in methods method and creating a Number is ~400 times faster than creating an Array.

All of those results are very rough because performance depends on so many things.

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