I am developing a shift scheduler and I use firebase authentication and firestore. My idea is that when a user signs up it creates a document in collection “workers” and sets the doc id to the user’s email. When the user adds a shift I want to add the shift info into a sub-collection “shifts” inside that user’s document where all the shifts will be stored. I have read and seen many guides but I can’t get the syntax/logic right, and due to firebase changes of syntax I am including most of the settings I use.
import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth"; import "firebase/firestore"; import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore" require('firebase/auth'); const firebaseConfig = { ... }; const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig); export const db = getFirestore(app); export const auth = getAuth(app); export default app
import { db } from "../firebase"; import { collection, addDoc, setDoc, doc } from "firebase/firestore"; import { useAuth } from '../contexts/AuthContext'; const { signup } = useAuth(); const handleSubmit = async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); setError(""); try{ const data = new FormData(event.currentTarget); await signup ( data.get('email'), data.get('password')); const docRef = await setDoc(doc(db, "workers", data.get('email')), { firstName: data.get('firstName'), lastName: data.get('lastName'), email: data.get('email'), numberOfShifts: 0 }); } catch(e){ console.error("Error adding document: ", e); setError("Failed to create an account"); };
The sign up works nicely and the document id is the email. The error is when I try to add shift to that document (the collection shifts is not created at this stage)
Datasheed.js: (where the user inputs their shifts)
import { auth } from "../firebase" import { db } from "../firebase"; const commitChanges = async ({ added, changed, deleted }) => { if (added) { try { db.collection("workers") .doc(auth.currentUser.email) .collection("shifts") .add(added); } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding document: ", e); } }
For now I am only trying to add, and the caught exception I am getting is: Error adding document: TypeError: firebase__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_.db.collection is not a function. From what I have read the problem is that I use firebase modular and it doesn’t have db.collection anymore and it uses collection refs. Do I need the collection ref for the sub-collection as well? What changes do I need to do in order to implement this?
You are using Modular SDK and also modular syntax in signup.js
. You should use the same syntax everywhere else. Try refactoring like this:
const commitChanges = async ({ added, changed, deleted }) => { if (added) { try { await addDoc(collection(db, "workers", auth.currentUser.email, "shifts"), added) } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding document: ", e); } } }
You can learn more about the new syntax in the documentation.