I need to know how do I use the VgFullscreenAPI. The official documentation doesn’t help.
This is what I have:
<vg-player (onPlayerReady)="onPlayerReady($event)" (onChangeFullscreen)="toggleFullscreen($event)"> <vg-play-pause #playBtn class="play-btn"> <span class="vg-icon-play_arrow"></span> </vg-play-pause> <vg-controls [vgAutohide]="true" [vgAutohideTime]="4" > <vg-play-pause</vg-play-pause> <vg-mute></vg-mute> <vg-fullscreen class="ml-auto"></vg-fullscreen> </vg-controls> <video #media [vgMedia]="media" [attr.id]="post.id" preload="none" [poster]="post.thumbnail" (click)="onVideoClick()" loop> <source [src]="post.source" type="video/mp4"> </video> </vg-player> toggleFullscreen($event){ console.log($event); }
I have tried using the output event emitter (onChangeFullscreen)
on vg-plater
, vg-fullscreen
, and video
The event is provided by the VgFullscreenAPI service inside VgPlayer, you can access it like this inside your component class:
@ViewChild(VgPlayer) vgPlayer: VgPlayer; ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.vgPlayer.fsAPI.onChangeFullscreen.subscribe((event) => { this.toggleFullscreen(event); }); }
Don’t really know why they made it an EventEmitter inside the service. Doesn’t seem like they really understand the new angular version yet 🙂