I’ve a webpage with 4 charts. I’m taking separate screenshots for each of them. Then tried to put them on another canvas, show them vertically and print it as single-page pdf file. But, I’m getting an Error saying:
Uncaught TypeError: CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage: Argument 1 could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement, ImageBitmap.
Here is the script
function HTMLtoPDF() { function verticalCanvases(cnv1, cnv2, cnv3, cnv4) { var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = newCanvas.getContext('2d'), width = cnv1.width, height = cnv1.height + cnv2.height + cnv3.height + cnv4.height; newCanvas.width = width; newCanvas.height = height; [{ cnv: cnv1, y: 0 }, { cnv: cnv2, y: cnv1.height }, { cnv: cnv3, y: cnv1.height + cnv2.height }, { cnv: cnv4, y: cnv1.height + cnv2.height + cnv3.height }].forEach(function(n) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.drawImage(n.cnv, 0, n.y, width, n.cnv.height); }); var imgdata = newCanvas.toDataURL(); return imgdata; } var forms = $('[id^=caspioform]'); var canvas1 = html2canvas(forms[3]); var canvas2 = html2canvas(forms[5]); var canvas3 = html2canvas(forms[7]); var canvas4 = html2canvas(forms[9]); var dURL = verticalCanvases(canvas1, canvas2, canvas3, canvas4); var doc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4"); var width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth(); var height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight(); doc.addImage(dURL, 'PNG', 0, 0, width, height); doc.save('sample.pdf'); }
Since you didn’t mention it, I’ll assume html2canvas
is coming from https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas
In that case, the issue here is that hmtl2canvas
returns a Promise
and that’s what you’re passing to verticalCanvases
instead of the actual canvas element.
To fix it just transform the function in an asynchronous one so you can use async
// | // | // v async function HTMLtoPDF() { function verticalCanvases(cnv1, cnv2, cnv3, cnv4) { var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = newCanvas.getContext('2d'), width = cnv1.width, height = cnv1.height + cnv2.height + cnv3.height + cnv4.height; newCanvas.width = width; newCanvas.height = height; [{ cnv: cnv1, y: 0 }, { cnv: cnv2, y: cnv1.height }, { cnv: cnv3, y: cnv1.height + cnv2.height }, { cnv: cnv4, y: cnv1.height + cnv2.height + cnv3.height }].forEach(function(n) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.drawImage(n.cnv, 0, n.y, width, n.cnv.height); }); var imgdata = newCanvas.toDataURL(); return imgdata; } var forms = $('[id^=caspioform]'); var canvas1 = await html2canvas(forms[3]); // <-- var canvas2 = await html2canvas(forms[5]); // <-- var canvas3 = await html2canvas(forms[7]); // <-- var canvas4 = await html2canvas(forms[9]); // <-- var dURL = verticalCanvases(canvas1, canvas2, canvas3, canvas4); var doc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4"); var width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth(); var height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight(); doc.addImage(dURL, 'PNG', 0, 0, width, height); doc.save('sample.pdf'); }