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Typescript: typing a function with an array of functions that returns an array of each function return type

Is it possible for the code below to be typed correctly?

function arrayElementTypes(...array: Array<(() => string) | (() => number) | (() => {prop: string}) | (() => number[])>) {
   /// .. do something
   /// .. and then return an array with each functions result
   return => arg())

const [varA, varB, varC] = arrayElementTypes( () => "", () => ({prop: "prop"}), () => [1,2,3] )
// how can this be typed appropriately so that the : 
// varA: string
// varB: {prop: string}
// varC: number[]



Managed to do it with

type ReturnTypes<T extends Array<(...a: any[]) => any>> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (...a: any[]) => infer R ? R : never

type CustomArrayElement = (() => string) | (() => number) | (() => {prop: string}) | (() => number[])

function arrayElementTypes<T extends CustomArrayElement[]>(...array: T): ReturnTypes<typeof array> {
   return => arg())

const [varA, varB, varC] = arrayElementTypes( () => "", () => ({prop: "prop"}), () => [1,2,3] )

Thank you all for your help!!

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