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html onclick not happening when parameter has special characters like $ or [closed]

I have a code in which I have three rows with three parameters $COKE, COKE, COKE. Every row has a sublist which opens when I click the parameters. It works fine when parameter doesnt have any special characters i.e.

For case when $COKE is parameter it doesn’t open sublist onclick. ($ dollar sign) For case when COKE is parameter it opens sublist onclick. For case when COKE. is parameter it doesn’t open sublist onclick. (. dot sign)

document.getElementById("results").innerHTML += "<tr id="+data[i].parameter+" onclick='showSublist('>

data[i].paramater can have values as shown below $COKE, COKE.,COKE as an example. Image shown as reference, where only case 2 opens but case 1 and case 3 doesn’t open when I click them.

Cases Image enter image description here



By not escaping special characters you are creating invalid HTML code, that’s why onclick doesn’t work.

Here is example how browser handles special characters:

function escape(a) {
  return "&#" + a.charCodeAt(0) + ";";

function escapeText(text) {
  return text.replace(/["'&<>]/g, escape);

function showSublist(id) {
var data = [{
    parameter: "test"
    parameter: "$test"
    parameter: "<test"
    parameter: "test>"
    parameter: "<test>"
    parameter: '"test'
    parameter: 'test"'
    parameter: '"test"'
    parameter: "test."
    parameter: '&test'
    parameter: '&test;'
    parameter: "test${test}"

for (let i = 0, tr = document.createElement("tr"); i < data.length; i++) {
  tr = tr.cloneNode(false);

  tr.innerHTML = '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>';

  /* original, incorrect structure */
  tr.innerHTML += "<td id=" + data[i].parameter + " onclick='showSublist('>" + data[i].parameter + '</td>';

  tr.innerHTML += '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>';

  /* correct structure, no filter */
  tr.innerHTML += '<td id="' + data[i].parameter + '" onclick="showSublist(">' + data[i].parameter + '</td>';

  tr.innerHTML += '<td class="n">' + i + '</td>';

  /* correct structure, filter */
  tr.innerHTML += '<td id="' + escapeText(data[i].parameter) + '" onclick="showSublist(">' + escapeText(data[i].parameter) + '</td>';

  tr.onmouseover = mouseOver;


var div = document.getElementById("html");

function mouseOver(e) {
  html.textContent = == "n" ? :;
th {
  text-align: start;

td:nth-child(even) {
  border-right: 1em solid transparent;

td:hover {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
  cursor: pointer;

div {
  background-color: white;
  color: black;
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  margin-top: 1em;
  padding: 0.5em;
  border: 1px solid black;

table {
  margin-bottom: 3em;
<table id="results">
    <th colspan="2">
      Original, no quotes
    <th colspan="2">
    <th colspan="2">

<div id="html"></div>
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