I have been trying to make a simple Register/Login system in JS. I tried to get the username/password values through user inputs and turn them into variables using a register() function. After that, however, these variables no longer hold any value, and I need them to compare with the new login username/password to check if they match in order to login.
Here’s what I tried.
The function below attributes the user’s input to the respective variables successfully. The ID’s are from a text input in a HTML file.
function register () { var user1 = window.document.getElementById('username') var pass1 = window.document.getElementById('password') alert('User registered, user your credentials to login') }
When I click the ‘register’ button in the html page, the function is called (onclick=”register()”), and I am redirected to the login page.
Here’s the code for the login session:
function login () { let userL = window.document.getElementById('usernameL') let passL = window.document.getElementById('passwordL') if (userL === user1 && passL === pass1) { alert(`${userL} successfully logged`) } else { alert('Invalid credentials') }
It doesn’t work because in the code above, user1 and pass1 are “not defined”, according to the console. How do I keep the values of these variables stored after getting them in the first function(register) in order to use it when the second function(login) is used?
Please refer the below code,
<script> const allUsers = []; function register() { // assuming user1 && pass1 are input elements with ids username, password var user1 = document.getElementById("username").value; var pass1 = document.getElementById("password").value; // TODO: always validate the data that is taken as input from the user // create an object containing user details const newUser = { username: user1, password: pass1, }; // push the registered user in allUsers array allUsers.push(newUser); alert("User registered, user your credentials to login"); } function login() { // assuming user1 && pass1 are input elements with ids usernameL, passwordL let userL = document.getElementById("usernameL").value; let passL = document.getElementById("passwordL").value; // TODO: always validate the data that is taken as input from the user // loop through allUsers array to check whether we already have a user registered with the details given in login form for(let user of allUsers) { if(user.username === userL && user.password === passL) { alert(`${userL} successfully logged`); return; // exit the function here } } // if user detail not found in allUsers array this alert will be executed alert("Invalid credentials"); } </script>
- Store all users in array after successful registration
- While login, loop through the registered users array to check whether the user has already registered or not and decide how to handle the logic.
- As PM 77-1 mentioned in the comment, please be aware that getElementById(ID) returns us the element itself (the tag itself), if we want to access it text content we can use either