I’am trying to implements dynamic adding and removing components in Vue.js.
There is a problem with slice method, basically it should remove element from array by passed index. To mutate an array i use slice(i,1) .
According to this answer, modifying array in this way should help me, but is’s not working.
What i am doing wrong?
Here is my code and a codepen:
<div id="app"> <button @click="addNewComp">add new component</button> <template v-for="(comp,index) in arr"> <component :is="comp" :index="index" @remove-comp="removeComp(index)" ></component> </template> </div> <script type="text/x-template " id="compTemplate"> <h1> I am a component {{index}} <button v-on:click="$emit('remove-comp')">X</button> </h1> </script>
const newComp = Vue.component("newComp",{ template:"#compTemplate", props:['index'] }) new Vue({ el:"#app", data:{ arr:[newComp] }, methods:{ addNewComp:function(){ this.arr.push(newComp); console.log(this.arr); }, removeComp:function(i){ console.log(i); this.arr.slice(i,1); console.log(this.arr); } } })
const newComp = Vue.component("newComp",{ template:"#compTemplate", props:['index'] }) new Vue({ el:"#app", data:{ arr:[newComp] }, methods:{ addNewComp:function(){ this.arr.push(newComp); }, removeComp:function(i, a){ console.log('i', i, a, typeof i); this.arr.splice(i,1); } } })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17-beta.0/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <button @click="addNewComp">add new component</button> <template v-for="(comp,index) in arr"> <component :is="comp" :index="index" @remove-comp="removeComp(index, 100+index)" :key="`${index}`" ></component> </template> </div> <script type="text/x-template " id="compTemplate"> <h1> I am a component {{index}} <button v-on:click="$emit('remove-comp')">X</button> </h1> </script>
I read this before its to do with Vue and reactive states.
is non-reactive so it returns a copy of the data without altering the original( i.e. non-reactive).
Use the .splice()
which is reactive or even better look at the .filter()