I am trying to generate a syntax tree, for a given string with simple math operators (+, -, *, /, and parenthesis). Given the string “1 + 2 * 3”:
It should return an array like this:
["+", [1, ["*", [2,3] ] ] ]
I made a function to transform “1 + 2 * 3″ in [1,”+”,2,”*”,3].
The problem is: I have no idea to give priority to certain operations.
My code is:
function isNumber(ch){ switch (ch) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '.': return true; break; default: return false; break; } } function generateSyntaxTree(text){ if (typeof text != 'string') return []; var code = text.replace(new RegExp("[ trnvf]", "gm"), ""); var codeArray = []; var syntaxTree = []; // Put it in its on scope (function(){ var lastPos = 0; var wasNum = false; for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { var cChar = code[i]; if (isNumber(cChar)) { if (!wasNum) { if (i != 0) { codeArray.push(code.slice(lastPos, i)); } lastPos = i; wasNum = true; } } else { if (wasNum) { var n = Number(code.slice(lastPos, i)); if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error("Invalid Number"); return []; } else { codeArray.push(n); } wasNum = false; lastPos = i; } } } if (wasNum) { var n = Number(code.slice(lastPos, code.length)); if (isNaN(n)) { throw new Error("Invalid Number"); return []; } else { codeArray.push(n); } } })(); // At this moment, codeArray = [1,"+",2,"*",3] return syntaxTree; } alert('Returned: ' + generateSyntaxTree("1 + 2 * 3"));
The way to do a top down parser, if not using FLEX/BISON or any other similar package is to first write a tokenizer that can parse input and serve tokens.
Basically you need a tokenizer that provides getNextToken, peekNextToken and skipNextToken.
Then you work your way down using this structure.
// parser.js var input, currToken, pos; var TOK_OPERATOR = 1; var TOK_NUMBER = 2; var TOK_EOF = 3; function nextToken() { var c, tok = {}; while(pos < input.length) { c = input.charAt(pos++); switch(c) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '(': case ')': tok.op = c; tok.type = TOK_OPERATOR; return tok; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': tok.value = c; tok.type = TOK_NUMBER; return tok; default: throw "Unexpected character: " + c; } } tok.type = TOK_EOF; return tok; } function getNextToken() { var ret; if(currToken) ret = currToken; else ret = nextToken(); currToken = undefined; return ret; } function peekNextToken() { if(!currToken) currToken = nextToken(); return currToken; } function skipNextToken() { if(!currToken) currToken = nextToken(); currToken = undefined; } function parseString(str) { input = str; pos = 0; return expression(); } function expression() { return additiveExpression(); } function additiveExpression() { var left = multiplicativeExpression(); var tok = peekNextToken(); while(tok.type == TOK_OPERATOR && (tok.op == '+' || tok.op == '-') ) { skipNextToken(); var node = {}; node.op = tok.op; node.left = left; node.right = multiplicativeExpression(); left = node; tok = peekNextToken(); } return left; } function multiplicativeExpression() { var left = primaryExpression(); var tok = peekNextToken(); while(tok.type == TOK_OPERATOR && (tok.op == '*' || tok.op == '/') ) { skipNextToken(); var node = {}; node.op = tok.op; node.left = left; node.right = primaryExpression(); left = node; tok = peekNextToken(); } return left; } function primaryExpression() { var tok = peekNextToken(); if(tok.type == TOK_NUMBER) { skipNextToken(); node = {}; node.value = tok.value; return node; } else if(tok.type == TOK_OPERATOR && tok.op == '(') { skipNextToken(); var node = expression(); // The beauty of recursion tok = getNextToken(); if(tok.type != TOK_OPERATOR || tok.op != ')') throw "Error ) expected"; return node } else throw "Error " + tok + " not exptected"; }
As you can see, you start by requesting the least privileged operation, which requires the next higher privileged operation as its left and right term and so on. Unary operators has a little different structure. The neat thing is the recursion at the end when a parenthesis is encountered.
Here is a demo page that uses the parser and renders the parse-tree (had the code for it laying around…)
<html> <head> <title>tree</title> <script src="parser.js"></script> </head> <body onload="testParser()"> <script> function createTreeNode(x, y, val, color) { var node = document.createElement("div"); node.style.position = "absolute"; node.style.left = "" + x; node.style.top = "" + y; node.style.border= "solid"; node.style.borderWidth= 1; node.style.backgroundColor= color; node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val)); return node; }; var yStep = 24; var width = 800; var height = 600; var RED = "#ffc0c0"; var BLUE = "#c0c0ff"; container = document.createElement("div"); container.style.width = width; container.style.height = height; container.style.border = "solid"; document.body.appendChild(container); var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; function renderLink(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var left = Math.min(x1,x2); var top = Math.min(y1,y2); var width = 1+Math.abs(x2-x1); var height = 1+Math.abs(y2-y1); var svg = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"); svg.setAttribute("x", left); svg.setAttribute("y", top); svg.setAttribute("width", width ); svg.setAttribute("height", height ); var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS,"line"); line.setAttribute("x1", (x1 - left) ); line.setAttribute("x2", (x2 - left) ); line.setAttribute("y1", (y1 - top) ); line.setAttribute("y2", (y2 - top) ); line.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"); line.setAttribute("stroke", "black"); svg.appendChild(line); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.position = "absolute"; div.style.left = left; div.style.top = top; div.style.width = width; div.style.height = height; div.appendChild(svg); container.appendChild(div); } function getHeight(dom) { var h = dom.offsetHeight; return h; } function getWidth(dom) { var w = dom.offsetWidth; return w; } function renderTree(x, y, node, width, height) { if(height < 1.5*yStep) height = 1.5*yStep; var val; if(node.op) { val = node.op; color = BLUE; } else if(node.value) { val = node.value; color = RED; } else val = "?"; var dom = createTreeNode(x, y, val, color); container.appendChild(dom); var w = getWidth(dom); var h = getHeight(dom); var nx, ny; var child; if(node.left) { nx = x - width/2; ny = y+height; var child = renderTree(nx, ny, node.left, width/2, height/2); renderLink(x+w/2, y+h, nx+getWidth(child)/2, ny); } if(node.right) { nx = x + width/2; ny = y+height; child = renderTree(nx, ny, node.right, width/2, height/2); renderLink(x+w/2, y+h, nx+getWidth(child)/2, ny); } return dom; } var root; function testParser() { var str = "1+2*5-5*(9+2)"; var exp = document.createElement("div"); exp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)); container.appendChild(exp); var tree = parseString(str); renderTree(width/2, 20, tree, width/2, 4*yStep); } </script> </body> </html>