i tried to add and remove the text of a box clicking on a different series of p this is the code. click1 is associated by text1 and same click2 text2 ecc. the goal i want to achieve is click on click1 and the only text that appears is text1 same thing for click2 text2 ecc.
let container = document.querySelector(".container"); container.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => { if (target.nodeName !== "P") return; // return if p is not clicked Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".container1>p")).forEach(p => p.classList.remove("active1")); // make the others inactive target.classList.toggle("active1"); })
.container1 p { display: none; } .container1 p.active1 { display:initial; }
<div class="container"> <p class="active">click1</p> <p>click2</p> <p>click3 </p> <p>click4</p> <p>click5</p> </div> <div class="container1"> <p class="active1"> text1 </p> <p> text 2 </p> <p> text 3 </p> <p> text 4 </p> </div>
let container = document.querySelector(".container"); let p_in_container = document.querySelectorAll(".container>p"); let p_in_container1 = document.querySelectorAll(".container1>p"); container.addEventListener("click", ({target}) => { if (target.nodeName !== "P") return; // return if p is not clicked var idx_clicked = Array.from(p_in_container).indexOf(target); var target_p = p_in_container1[idx_clicked]; // var is_active = target_p.classList.contains('active1'); Array.from(p_in_container1).forEach(p => p.classList.remove("active1")); // make the others inactive // p_in_container1[idx_clicked].classList.toggle("active1", !is_active); p_in_container1[idx_clicked].classList.toggle("active1"); ; })
.container1 p { display: none; } .container1 p.active1 { display:initial; }
<div class="container"> <p class="active">click1</p> <p>click2</p> <p>click3 </p> <p>click4</p> <p>click5</p> </div> <div class="container1"> <p class="active1"> text1 </p> <p> text 2 </p> <p> text 3 </p> <p> text 4 </p> <p> text 5 </p> </div>