I searched in internet, how to implement jQuery UI autocomplete into angularJS. I have found a very good sample and it is working. Here Sourcecode
<div ng-app='MyModule'> <div ng-controller='DefaultCtrl'> <input auto-complete ui-items="names" ng-model="selected"> selected = {{selected}} </div> </div>
function DefaultCtrl($scope) { $scope.names = ["john", "bill", "charlie", "robert", "alban", "oscar", "marie", "celine", "brad", "drew", "rebecca", "michel", "francis", "jean", "paul", "pierre", "nicolas", "alfred", "gerard", "louis", "albert", "edouard", "benoit", "guillaume", "nicolas", "joseph"]; } angular.module('MyModule', []).directive('autoComplete', function($timeout) { return function(scope, iElement, iAttrs) { iElement.autocomplete({ source: scope[iAttrs.uiItems], select: function() { $timeout(function() { iElement.trigger('input'); }, 0); } }); }; });
What I really get confused is, about trigger input event on the select event.
select: function() { $timeout(function() { iElement.trigger('input'); }, 0); }
What is input for an event, I have never hear about it. I searched in Internet about input event but could not find something helpful.
A good way to think about it is like this: it’s a keyup event that filters out all keys which do not have an effect on the textual value of the input and fires when a completion is selected from a list of previously input values (thanks to @szeryf for the tip!). See this answer from stackoverflow for more details.