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Tag: prototype

Why is mutating the [[prototype]] of an object bad for performance?

From the MDN docs for the standard setPrototypeOf function as well as the non-standard __proto__ property: Mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object, no matter how this is accomplished, is strongly discouraged, because it is very slow and unavoidably slows down subsequent execution in modern JavaScript implementations. Using Function.prototype to add properties is the way to add member functions to javascript

overriding prototype property or function

now log showing me true. which means swingSword that were defined in Ninja.prototype has overridden so how can i override the constructor function or property.?? i know that preference is given to constructor variable then why need to define a function or property inside prototype?? Answer The reason to define a function on the prototype is so that it is

Why is extending native objects a bad practice?

Every JS opinion leader says that extending the native objects is a bad practice. But why? Do we get a perfomance hit? Do they fear that somebody does it “the wrong way”, and adds enumerable types to Object, practically destroying all loops on any object? Take TJ Holowaychuk’s should.js for example. He adds a simple getter to Object and everything

Javascript inheritance and method overriding

Assume I have a class like this: From this class I created some other classes which inherit the same prototype but have some added methods. What I want to do is being able to define a load() method in the sub-classes which first calls the parent method and then execute some code. Something like: I know there’s no super keyword
