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Tag: addeventlistener

addEventListener to all buttons using forEach

I am trying to addEventListener to all of my buttons. This is my first time using addEventListener and it is not running the usergetNumber function which should display a random number when any button is clicked. Answer From top to bottom. There’s already a function usergetNumber() { … } declaration in addEventListener(). It’s a function declaration not a callback here.

Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined – after pressing ‘Enter’ key the value become undefined

Why when I’m pressing the Enter key the value of idNumber becomes undefined ? If I click on the button calling checkID() it shows the input’s string length in the console.log(idNumber) It’s just so weird Thanks for everyone. Answer You shouldn’t be assigning event handlers manually in React, assign onKeyPress the same way as you assign onChange and it works

What’s wrong with the addEventListeners

the vector should be able to be pulled and repositioned. ugh!. I have it up on fiddle at jsFiddle Answer There is nothing messy with JavaScript, you just need a lot more practice… Few things on your code, as they point out in the comments you have a typo cleintY, also you have to substract the canvas.offset to get the
