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Regex pattern for extraction of double-quoted and non-quoted strings Javascript

im desperately trying to extract double quoted and non-quoted words from following string (Please note the single quotes around): Desired groups are: “Cloud Technology” Foundation “Board” I came up with this pattern (?:”(.*?)”)|(?:s(S*?)s) have a look in But the pattern doesnt works if the string would be for example ‘”Cloud Technology” Foundation’ Answer You can use See the regex

React App – My alert window is showing up twice

I don’t understand why this is happening – I have an app that increments and decrements a counter when the buttons are pressed to display an increasing list of easter egg brands from a collection. When the counter reaches the max number of eggs in the collection I want a popup to appear saying “Limit has been reached”. The popup

How to add images to chart labels with vue-chartjs?

I want to add flag icons under the country code labels but am completely stuck. Image of the chart with my current code The images are named BR.svg, FR.svg and MX.svg and are located under @/assets/icons/flags/ I am using vue@2.6.12 and vue-chartjs@3.5.1 in my project. This is my Chart.vue component: This runnable code below is the closest to a solution

How to call the function from htmlcode

I have JS code, that works as it supposed to. But insetad of calling “islandA.onclick” from the function, I need to call it from the outside – from HTML code. (there are more islands 🙂 $…

React Dom not updating after updating a state array

so this function updates this state array: let [Produits, setProduit] = useState(JSON.parse(Devis.produits)) the array did update without any problem but the changes aren’t getting re-rendered as you can see i’m loggin to the console to check if that line is getting executed and it does ! but the values rendered doesn’t update ! Answer Don’t mutate state, do this instead:

The negation operator in JS

Why in this case gets false since the negation operator is used. Without the negation operator it also gets false because the operator ===checks if it compares the same values with the same data type. Why, then, after putting the exclamation point directly after x, does he still get false, since it contradicts falsehood, so I should get the truth?
