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TextEncoder / TextDecoder not round tripping

I’m definitely missing something about the TextEncoder and TextDecoder behavior. It seems to me like the following code should round-trip, but it doesn’t seem to: Since I’m just encoding and decoding the string, the char code seems like it should be the same, but this returns 65533 instead of 55296. What am I missing? Answer Based on some spelunking, the

NPM Run Watch is Not Working For React Project

Hello Im trying to use NPM Run Watch so I can see localhost:3000 for my React Project but I’m getting a weird error so I don’t even know where to begin. Not sure if anyone is familiar with this guy but I’m using codingphase starter package and before I did npm run watch I installed gulp I had some errors

When should I set localStorage in Angular?

I have a list of employee list on EmployeesComponent and there is “Education Overview” and “Salary Overview” buttons for each records. When I click one of the overview button it goes to the OverviewComponent first and then load the correponding component (salary or education) into this OverviewComponent. There is also a “Back” button on each of these salary and education
