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Moongose after find, is not returning key

I have a code that after find and populate, I will then add a new key (‘order_date’) based on createdAt. I have checked with console.log(i.createdAt), it do have the date element in the i, but when I do console.log(orders), it is not retunring me order_date. Is it caused by the async await function? I am doing this because my express

React-Router locations on AWS s3 bucket do not work

I have my static react app hosted in an AWS s3 bucket. It renders fine. However, I am utilizing react-router-dom to navigate between “pages.” (I have enabled public access, enabled static website hosting, listed my index document as index.html). For example, my bucket website endpoint is http://< When I click on one of my navigation buttons which links to http://<,

get index of filtered array

how to get the index of filtered array? for example I wanna to get the index of even number let nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; let filterNum = nums.filter(num=> num %2 ==0); console.log(filterNum);…

Plot histogram in ReactJS

Suppose I want to plot histogram for time taken to read each book. I calculated time to read each book and stored in an array as As I gone through different methods on how to plot histogram …. I found that to display data , it should be in range as: But on basis of my previous data how can

Is there other way to create pdf in php?

Hello I’ve got a problem with my page, cuz I want to generate PDF file async with jquery, command: In my controller it looks somethink like this And that doesn’t work, But if I type in URL /pl/home/generujPDF it just work fine. I check how it looks in “Network” tab in browser and I have 2 other types of this
