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Check Does an element change?

I wanted to execute a command by changing the value of input c1. I wrote the codes as follows and I do not know why c1 is known as undefined!! Friends, can you help me how to solve this problem? Answer This is because you are re-declaring the same variable (c1) again inside setInterval(). Demo:

JavaScript add row level total property

I have the following javascript array: [{ Year:2000, Jan:1, Feb: }, {Year:2001, Jan:-1, Feb:0.34 }] I would like to add the total of Jan and Feb as a new property in the existing array. Example: [{ Year:2000, Jan:1, Feb:, Total: 1 }, {Year:2001, Jan:2, Feb:4, Total: -0.66 }] How can I do this using JavaScript? EDIT: Updated with decimal values

How to disable input fields conditionally in Vuejs

I have two input fields like password and confirm password. where i am trying to disable confirm password field, untill user enter some content in password field. Can we do anything with v-bind:disabled=”newPassword.length === 0 ? true : false” to get resolved. Answer If you simply need to lock the second field until the user types anything in the first

CSS & JS not loading properly [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I got these scripts but they’re not loading properly. Can’t say for sure

Access nested Json

I get this back from my API call in Google Script Editor I had a script that was working fine with a different call so i am using the same. The script is the below. So when i push data.values[0].value i get all the values back but i just want the first. What am i doing wrong? Answer Your response

Safely retrieving a value from a route

In my Angular application I have updated some URLs in my project from previously using query string elements like this: to a route based system similar to this: This works fine but most of the time except when there’s a product called something like The / Next / Big Thing So the slashes break the routing as is

Bind event to multiple objects

I’m trying to attach the same behavior to several different elements and haven’t been able to figure out how. Given the below snippet of code, if you were to click on the button the events fire for both buttons simultaneously. I’m wondering if it’s possible to trigger the event for only the button that was clicked without resorting to creating
