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How to insert properties and functions inside ref?

How can I insert properties and functions inside a ref? Like this example: Then I want to use the propertie loading and the function onTest that way: How can I do that? Answer You cannot set ref on functional components because they don’t have an instance. You may not use the ref attribute on function components because they don’t have

Switch between two external css files in react

I want to apply an option where user can switch between dark mode and light mode in the application. I have two sheets for the whole website. I have given the option but what do i have to do to switch between the two css files? I used this method and it is updating the link tag perfectly in the

How to cancel all subscriptions inside UseEffect in React

I am getting this error – Can’t perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function. Here’s my useEffect hook, I used a ref called mounted to check if the component has unmounted or

Lodash throttle firing multiple times

I am using lodash throttle like this I need to trigger this upon a certain notification event I am getting from a ws. So the idea was, if I get 10 notifications at almost the same time, to have the fetch function fire only once at the wait of 10 seconds. Instead, what is happening is that the fetch functions

Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function at (index):2

I faced with this error on my Wordpress website “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function at (index):2” I found this solution to add before the But, I couldn’t find the “$( document ).ready(function(){” code in the theme folder of my website to fix it. here is the exact code via inspect, sources window of chrome browser }); Answer Most

How to execute script only after button onclick?

I have a script that auto-replaces specific characters like double spaces into single space and straight quotes into smart quotes in the textarea However, when I try to add onclick feature, it’s not working for me, it’s still executing it before the click of a button (the moment it detects the character). Here’s what my it looks like right now:
