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Sum custom array of formatted numbers JS

I have a custom array of formatted numbers like the following: How can I sum them to 1.229.974,00 ? Do I have to reformat them to integers (by some means), sum them and format the result? This format doesn’t look like a standard one. Answer Made an honest attempt. Looked short until it came to reformatting the answer. Any constructive

What does Message.fetch() actually do in discord.js

According to the Message#fetch() docs, this function simply fetches the message it was called on. However, I’m not sure in which circumstance it would ever make sense to use this function. According to the screenshot above, this method returns Promise<Message>. I’m confused, because why would you need to fetch a message you already have access to? For example: So, what’s

Adding HTML element to a vue template

I’m using a chart component (Chartist) that requires a HTML element to use as a parent when rendering the SVG. The elements that the chart can use is generated during a v-for loop, which means that they are not added to the DOM at the time of the chart rendering. The code looks something like this (in the vue): In

react-native-hms-location error when building app

I am trying to install the library @hmscore/react-native-hms-location. I am following all the steps as per However, once i have installed the library and I attempt to run ./gradlew assembleRelease in order to build my app, I get the following error in the terminal: I don’t understand why, because I am following the instructions. Anyone else seen this error

Mixing tweetnacl.js with TweetNaclFast (java) for asymmetric encryption

Our project is using asymmetric encryption with and ephemeral keys: We presently have node.js apps that then decrypt these messages. We would like the option to use jvm languages for some features. There does not seem to be the richness of established players for tweet-nacl on the jvm but it seems tweetnacl-java and its recommended implementation ° tweetnacl-fast

How to extend regex to accept @ in image urls

I have a regex for validating image urls, however some of the images are using @ for example: How can I extend this regex to accept also the @ character inside of the image link? Current regex look like this Answer If it can only be part of the image name, you can add a forward slash followed by

How to pass custom prop to a prop?

I am fairly new to react and this is a problem I am trying to solve. There is a parent component parent which passes props to the child. One of these props, include an element to be rendered like this: In the child, I want to take this component and pass a prop to it, which is defined in the
